Thursday, March 30, 2017

first trip to the zoo!

Giraffe! Elephants! Tigers! These are his current favorite animals at 2.5 years old. Funnily enough, he is also scared of tigers! And dinosaurs. I hope that I'm not exacerbating his fear but it's so fun to give a mighty roar like a dinosaur or pretend to chomp him as a tiger would when we are reading his books at bedtime. He bravely journeys reading through my antics sometimes covering his eyes or hiding behind us whenever it all gets a bit too much.

Since he's started showing an interest in almost all things animals, a trip to the zoo was the most obvious next step! Can I say that he absolutely love it! Oh my goodness me, I have never been to a zoo as a kid so I didn't think how he would react to the trip but the amazement and wonder in his eyes - it's like all the animals that he's seen in his books come to life and then some! We didn't even cover half of the zoo that first trip so we can't wait to go back now and see more!