Monday, August 28, 2017

he's three!

I can't believe it but our first born is now three!! He still loves Cars. We have everything (almost!) Cars in our apartment! I still don't know how that happened. There is obviously the characters themselves, we have Cars puzzles and even Cars story books! His toy collection is akin to a Cars shrine at the moment!

He's at the age where he is starting to understand concepts and characters. He loves going out with Ryan for coffee on the weekends, also grocery shopping because he usually gets to pop into KMart of Target and look at the toy section there.

We didn't do very much for his birthdays in previous years as he was too young too understand what all the fuss is about. But this year, all those cartoons he's been watching, he now understands more of what a birthday is all about. It's like something clicked! He knows it's something special for him - he gets a cake with candles, he get sung the Happy Birthday song, there are presents and loads of surprises!

I'm so proud of the person that he's become. He's the sweetest little boy with a heart of gold. These days, because I have my hands full with Aurelia, I've not had as much time to spend with him as I used to and there has definitely been moments of hurt and sadness but also understanding which I have been hugely surprised.

I was reading up on his development re discipline as we have somehow scraped through the terrible twos unscathed and I was prepping myself for the terrible three but the book did say that if we've not had to resort to punishments so far that don't sweat it. Don't worry about it and just enjoy him!

And we are! I love my days at home with him and I miss the days when it was only me and him. I know this time will pass soon and whilst I'm enjoying being mummy again to number two, I can't wait to have some mummy and son time again with him when she's a bit more independent!

I love you my cheeky monkey sweet as a pie Sebastian. You make us feel like the luckiest parents alive and that we rock this parenting gig!